spiritual readings
a spiritual reading is a collaborative process between the two of us, engaging all aspects of ourselves, our guides, our energy systems, various realms, and our intuitions. i weave together multiple modalities informed by you and your guides' intentions, including astrological birth chart analysis, tarot and oracle cards, reiki, energetic healing, mediumship, guided meditations, current astrological influences, to name a few. it is a process of channeling, holding space, giving and receiving. channeling takes into perspective the ways that personal and collective pasts, presents, and futures relate, influence, and change one another. the space provides insights on possibilities for our healing with attention to political, social, and cosmological realities that affect personal and collective experience. we engage in a mixture of focus on themes and questions you bring to the session and areas your guides would like to bring in (anything goes: work/vocation, creativity, sexuality, relationships, personal development, etc). all in all, we build a space of love together where healing and revolutionary liberation are the ultimate objectives. toward this end, we will often engage in shadow work that illuminates inherited limitations and power dynamics around white supremacy, capitalism, cis/heteropatriarchy, family of origin issues, and shame in order to better understand our roles in healing personal and collective shadows of power and oppression from a place of witness, intention, and empowerment.
30 minutes - $63 / 60 minutes - $126 / 90 minutes - $189
30 minutes - $63 / 60 minutes - $126 / 90 minutes - $189