spiritual coaching
spiritual coaching is an ongoing relationship where we work together to open up and build upon your varied avenues and gifts of intuition. i meet you where you are at in your journey and together we create a collaborative learning space to support your healing processes and strengthen the muscles of your spiritual abilities. this includes exploring which methods of connecting work best for you in connecting to yourself, your guides, and your environment. based on your interests and needs, we'll play and practice with divination, deities and archetypes, meditation, aura and energy system support, embodiment techniques, and mediumship to name a few. the objective of this space is to build power and clarify your role in collective liberation. toward this end, we'll often dive into inner child work and shadow work to illuminate inherited limitations and power dynamics such as white supremacy, capitalism, cis/heteropatriarchy, family of origin leftovers, and shame in order to better understand our roles in healing personal and collective shadows of power and oppression from a place of witness, intention, and empowerment. these sessions hold sacred space for mutual learning and teaching for our highest purposes on our paths.
90 minutes - $189
90 minutes - $189